Where does the exhibition take place?
Gaudeamus Region
Košice 2024
Venue address:
Congress Hotel Centrum
Južná trieda 2A
040 01 Košice - Juh
Slovak Republic
Halls: Nobel, Darwin, Bell
Open for visitors
22nd - 23rd October 2024
9:00 - 15:00
Contact the organizers
Gaudeamus Education Exhibitions
E-mail: info@gaudeamus.cz
Phone: +420 545 176 136
Mobile: +420 777 278 051
MP-Soft, a.s.,
Příkop 4, 604 16 Brno
Czech Republic
Entrance fees
Basic: 50 Czk / 2 Eur
Reduced: 25 Czk / 1 Eur
Teachers free, after registration!
Students can take advantage of reduced fee after registration at www.gaudeamus.cz.
Tickets are for pre-sale online at www.gaudeamus.cz
or during the event
at the venue ticket office!
Printed and electronic catalog of exhibitors is included.