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placement of exhibitors
in the hall


exhibitors in halls 3 and 4:

Academia de Lusso, Italy (booth no. 118)

Arts University Bournemouth, Great Britain (booth no. 46)

ATEP s.r.o. (booth no. 3)

Baden Württenberg International GmbH, Germany (career start bw) (booth no. 116)

Bayerisch-Tschechische Hochschulagentur, Germany (booth no. 114)

Bohemia Institute, Czech Republic (booth no. 4)

Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic (booth no. 47)

CEVRO College, Czech Republic (booth no. 37)

Czech-us v.o.s. (booth no. 41)

Charles University, Czech Republic (booth no. 102)

College of Logistics, Czech Republic (booth no. 5)

College of Nursing, Czech Republic (booth no. 39)

College AMBIS, Czech Republic (booth no. 17)

Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia (booth no. 101)

Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic (booth no. 33)

EDUA Group (booth no. 25)

Educatius Group, Czech Republic (booth no. 43)

EF Education First, Czech Republic (booth no. 45)

Emirates Airliness, UAE (booth no. 3)

EUROPEAN COLLEGE (booth no. 113)

European Forensic Institute, Malta (booth no. 107)

European Parliament, Czech Republic (booth no. 106)

F AIR flight school, Czech Republic (booth no. 30)

Glossa - language school, Czech Republic (booth no. 112)

Holprom - Study in Holland, Slovakia (booth no. 117)

IMC University of Applied Sciences, Austria (booth no. 104)

Higher Social and Pedagogical School, Czech Republic  (booth no. 12)

Higher Professional School of Tourism and International Business, Czech Republic (booth no. 28)

Higher School of Acting, Czech Republic (booth no. 124)

Higher School of Arts and Crafts, Czech Republic (booth no. 10)

Higher School of Journalism, Czech Republic (booth no. 1)

Higher Vocational School of Interpreting and Sign Language, Czech Republic (booth no. 108)

Institute of Technology and Business in České Budějovice, Czech Republic (booth no. 18)

JABOK - Institute of Social Pedagogy and Theology, Czech Republic (booth no. 125)

Jan Evangelista Purkyne University, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic (booth no. 50)

Kyiv Medical University, Polish Campus, Poland (booth no. 23)

Masaryk University, Czech Republic (booth no. 27)

Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic (booth no. 26)

Multimedia Art School Jihlava, Czech Republic (booth no. 2)

Metropolitan University Prague, Czech Republic (booth no. 123)

National Pedagogical Institute of the Czech Republic (booth no. 119)

National Office for Cyber ​​and Information Security (booth no. 35)

Metropol Language School (booth no. 38)

MCI Management Center Innsbruck, Austria (booth no. 44)

NEWTON University, Czech Republic (booth no. 128)

Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic (booth no. 9)

PALESTRA - college, higher school, Czech Republic (booth no. 13)

PANEVROPEAN UNIVERSITY, Czech Republic (booth no. 49)

Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice, Slovakia (booth no. 109)

Police Academy of the Czech Republic in Prague (booth no. 21)

Prague City University, Czech Republic (booth no. 126)

Prague College, Czech Republic (booth no. 113)

Prague Film Institute (booth no. 7)

Pilsen College, Czech Republic (booth no. 113)

Private Higher School of Art and Advertising, Czech Republic (booth no. 6)

Slovak Technical University in Bratislava, Slovakia (booth no. 103)

State Police, Czech Republic (booth no. 21)

StudyCare Agency (booth no. 8)

Spevacek Education Center, Czech Republic (booth no. 31)

STUDENT AGENCY Travel k.s. (booth no. 15)

ŠKODA AUTO University, Czech Republic (booth no. 121)

THE FIZZ Student housing in Prague, Czech Republic (booth no. 40)

The University of Finance and Administration, Czech Republic (booth no. 36)

Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic (booth no. 42)

University College Prague, Czech Republic (booth no. 5)

UniLink - Study Abroad Advisory Center, Czech Republic (booth no. 51)

University of Chemistry and Technology, Czech Republic (booth no. 34)

University of Hradec Králové, Czech Republic (booth no. 120)

University of Defence, Czech Republic (booth no. 52)

University of New York in Prague, Czech Republic (booth no. 48)

University of Passau, Germany (booth no. 110)

University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic (booth no. 20)

University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia (booth no. 14)

University of Veterinary Sciences Brno, Czech Republic (booth no. 11)

University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic (booth no. 122)

University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE (booth no. 29)

VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic (booth no. 32)

Choose the right - Cannonade (booth no. 24)

Wyższa Szkoła Biznesu - National Louis University, Poland (booth no. 105), Czech Republic (booth no. 22)

YFU Czech Republic (booth no. 127)



see the hall plan

