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Faculty of Civil Engineering Technical university of Košice

Basic information

Study types


University: Technical university of Košice
Name of faculty: Faculty of Civil Engineering
Street: Vysokoškolská 4
Post code: 042 00
City: Košice
Province: Košický
Country: Slovakia
Phone: +421 55 602 4003
Type of school:
Quality certificates:

Entrance examination

Focus on subjects technické, stavebníctvo

Fields of study

Name of the field Study types Type of study Form of study Language of study
Environmentálne inžinierstvo Doctoral Full-time
Inžinierske konštrukcie a dopravné stavby Bachelor Full-time Slovak
Nosné konštrukcie a dopravné stavby Follow-up master's Full-time Slovak
Nosné konštrukcie budov Follow-up master's Full-time Slovak
Pozemné stavby Follow-up master's Full-time Slovak
Pozemné stavby a architektúra Bachelor Full-time Slovak

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