GAUDEAMUS BRATISLAVA 8th - 10th October 2024
Come and get acquainted with international universities and their offer. Studying abroad will open your doors to the world!
UniLink is the only UK graduate study center offering free services. The Advisory Center team is made up of graduates and students of British universities who want to pass on their experience and thus facilitate admission and study at international universities to other enthusiastic and promising students from the Czech Republic.
UniLink offers study at more than 50 partner universities in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany and the UAE! The universities represented in the consulting center stand can be found in the list of exhibitors.
Choosing the right university and field of study
Meeting the admission criteria
Getting trought the admission process
Get your tuition financing and apply for scholarships
Improving and testing your level of English
Finding accommodation and a part-time job
Buying plane tickets and airport transfers
Arranging everything before your departure
Arranging the student's status in Slovak Republic
InterStudy – štúdium v Holandsku, Dánsku, Belgicku, V. Británii, Fínsku a Nemecku
Zastúpenie zahraničných vysokých škôl pre SR: kontaktný bod pre uchádzačov, vybavovanie prihlášok , kompetentné poradenstvo na základe 18-ročných skúseností, poradenstvo pri vybavovaní ubytovania, cesty, uznania štúdia slovenskými úradmi, a so všetkým, čo potrebujete pre úspešný nástup na zahraničnú univerzitu.
Gajova 4
811 09 Bratislava
Tel.: 02-5262 2611
Instagram: interstudy_sk
InterStudy je oficiálnym zástúpením týchto vysokých škôl:
- The Hague University of Applied Sciences
- NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences
- Hanze University of Applied Sciences
- HZ University of Applied Sciences
- Inholland University of Applied Sciences
- Fontys University of Applied Sciences
- Saxion University of Applied Sciences
- Haarlem Campus
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel
- Howest University of Applied Sciences
- Karel de Grote University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Häme University of Applied Sciences
- LUT University
- VIA University College Horsens
- VIA Design Herning
- International Business Academy Kolding
Veľká Británia
- Aberystwyth University
- Anglia Ruskin University
- British & Irish Modern Music Institute
- Canterbury Christ Church University
- City University of London
- Coventry University
- De Montfort University
- London Metropolitan University
- London South Bank University
- Middlesex University London
- Northeastern University London
- Nottingham Trent University
- St Mary’s University London
- University for the Creative Arts
- University of Aberdeen
- University of Bedfordshire
- University of Birmingham
- University of the Creative Arts
- University of Essex
- University of Greenwich
- University of Hertfordshire
- University of Liverpool
- University of Portsmouth
- University of Roehampton
- University of South Wales
- University of Sunderland
- University of Westminster, London
- University of the West of England, Bristol
- University of Winchester
- University of Worcester
- York St John University
- SRH Hochschule Heidelberg
- SRH Hochschule Nordrhein-Westfalen, Dortmund
- SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences
- EBS Universität für Wirtschaft und Recht , Oestrich-Winkel
- Yamanashi Gakuin University, Int. College of Liberal Arts
cambridge study
V Cambridge Study ťa prevedieme cestou za poznaním, skúsenosťami, lepším životom a spoločnosťou lepšou pre všetkých. Posielame ťa do bezpečného a overeného prostredia a poradíme, ako si to môže dovoliť každý na základe vlastných skúseností. Zameriavame sa na sprostredkovanie stredoškolského a univerzitného štúdia vo Veľkej Británii, Holandsku, Dánsku, Švédsku, Fínsku, Taliansku, Nemecku či Španielsku, a tiež ponúkame jazykové kurzy v zahraničí pre študentov, mladých ľudí a dospelých. Prečo ti vieme tak dobre poradiť? Všetkým, čo ťa v zahraničí očakáva, sme si prešli sami. Či už si si vybral/a krajinu, alebo skôr máš predstavu, čo presne by si sa chcel/a na pobyte v zahraničí naučiť, po rozhovore s nami už budeš mať jasno vo všetkom.
Všetko o štúdiu v Holandsku
Zoznam partnerských univerzít Cambridge Study
Fachhochschule Burgenland / University of Applied Sciences Burgenland
- Department of Business Studies
- Department of Information Technology
- Department of Social Work
- Department of Energy and Environment
- Department of Health
AIM - Austrian Institute of Management
Fachhochschule Salzburg / Salzburg University of Applied Sciences
- Faculty of Business and Social Sciences
- Faculty of Health Studies
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Design, Media and Arts
Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt / University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt
- Faculty of Engineering
- Faculty of Sport
- Faculty of Security
- Faculty of Business
- Faculty of Health
IMC Fachhochschule Krems / IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems
- Faculty of Health
- Faculty of Business
- Faculty of Digitalisation and Engineering
- Faculty of Life Sciences
International College of Tourism and Management
Kirchliche Pädagogische Hochschule Wien/Krems / The University College of Teacher Education Vienna/Krems
- Department of Initial Teacher Education Vienna
- Department of Initial Teacher Education Krems
- Department of Religious Education - Christian Denominations
- Department of Islamic Religion
- Department of Jewish Religion
- Department of Alevitical Religion
- Department of Continuous Teacher Education
- Department of Research and Development
- Centre for Continuous Education and Advanced Training
ÖHV-TRAINEE Tourismuskolleg
Österreich Institut
Technische Universität Wien / TU Wien
- Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Faculty of Technical Chemistry
- Faculty of Informatics
- Faculty of Physics
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
- Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation
- Faculty of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
- Faculty of Architecture and Planning
WU Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien / Vienna University of Economics and Business
- Department of Economics
- Department of Finance, Accounting and Statistics
- Department of Foreign Language Business Communication
- Department of Global Business and Trade
- Department of Information Systems and Operations Management
- Department of Management
- Department of Marketing
- Department of Private Law
- Department of Public Law and Tax Law
- Department of Socioeconomics
- Department of Strategy and Innovation
Slovenská akademická informačná agentúra (SAIA, n. o.):
- poskytuje poradenstvo pre záujemcov o štúdium v zahraničí,
- v spolupráci s regionálnymi pracoviskami v Nitre, Žiline, Banskej Bystrici a v Košiciach organizuje semináre a informačné dni o možnostiach štúdia v zahraničí a o štipendijných programoch,
- propaguje slovenské vysoké školy na vzdelávacích veľtrhoch doma a v zahraničí,
- vydáva publikácie o štúdiu v zahraničí a mesačník Bulletin SAIA.
Hlavné programy SAIA, n. o.
Akademické mobility - v rámci tohto programu SAIA organizuje výberové konania na štipendijné pobyty na základe bilaterálnych dohôd a ponúk zahraničných vlád a koordinuje prijatia zahraničných štipendistov Ministerstva školstva, vedy, výskumu a športu SR na štipendijné na Slovensku.
Akcia Rakúsko - Slovensko, spolupráca vo vede a vzdelávaní – finančne podporuje projekty a štipendiá pre študentov, doktorandov a výskumníkov.
CEEPUS - Stredoeurópsky výmenný program pre univerzitné štúdiá - podporuje akademické mobility v strednej, východnej a juhovýchodnej Európe.
Národný štipendijný program na podporu mobilít - podporuje mobilitu slovenských a zahraničných študentov, doktorandov, vysokoškolských učiteľov a výskumných a umeleckých pracovníkov.
Servisné centrá EURAXESS pre výskumných pracovníkov –
Business Academy SouthWest
AP degree:
- Multimedia Design
- Computer Science
AP degree:
- Construction Technology
- Design, Technology and Business
Bachelor degree
- Climate and Supply Engineering
- Software Technology Engineering
- Architectural Technology and Construction Management
- Software Technology Engineering
Business Academy Aarhus
AP degree:
- Multimedia Design
University College Absalon
Bachelor degree:
- Engineering in Biotechnology
- International Degree in Teaching
Aarhus University
Bachelor degree:
- Cognitive Science
- Economics and Business Administration
University of Southern Denmark
Bachelor degree:
- Electronics
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Engineering in Electronics
- Engineering in Mechatronics
- Engineering in Innovation and Business
- Product Development and Innovation – Engineering
- International Business Administration and Foreign Languages
- Economics and Business Administration – Global Business Relationships
- European Studies
- Market and Management Anthropology
Avans University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- Environmental Science for Sustainable Energy and Technology
- Finance and Control
- Industrial Engineering and Management
- International Business
Breda University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- Bachelor of Science Leisure Studies
- Bachelor of Science Tourism
- Built Environment
- Creative Business
- Creative Media and Game Technologies
- Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
- Hotel Management
- International Facility Management
- Leisure and Events Management
- Logistics Engineering
- Logistics Management
- Tourism Management
Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- Automotive Engineering
- Communication – International Communication Management
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Finance and Control – International Finance and Control
- Industrial Design Engineering
- Industrial Engineering and Management
- Information and Communication Technology
- International Business
- International Business
- Logistics Engineering
- Logistics Management – International Fresh Business Management
- Marketing Management
- Marketing Management – Digital Business Concepts
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics
- Software Engineering and Business Informatics
- Trend Research and Concept Creation in Lifestyle
HAN University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- Automotive Engineering
- Communication
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Embedded Systems Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- International Business
- International Social work
- Life Science
- Chemistry
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen
Bachelor degree:
- Classical Music
- Communication and Multimedia Design, major Game Design
- Creative Media and Game Technologies
- Design
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering – Sensor Technology
- Fine Art
- International Business – 3 years
- International Business – 4 years
- International Communication
- International Facility Management – Service and Building Management
- International Finance and Control
- Jazz
- Marketing Management
- Mechanical Engineering
- Physiotherapy
- Sport Studies
HAS University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- Horticulture and Business Management
- International Food and Agribusiness
HZ University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- Chemistry
- Civil Engineering
- Global Project and Change Management
- Industrial Engineering and Management
- Information and Communication Technology
- International Business
- Logistics Engineering
- Tourism Management
- Water Management
Inholland University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Business Innovation
- Creative Business
- Creative Business
- Information Technology
- Mathematical Engineering
- Tourism Management
Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- Applied Computer Science
- Creative Media and Game Technologies
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Fashion and Textile Technologies
- Hotel Management
- International Business
- International Business
- International Finance and Accounting
- International Human Resource Management
- Physiotherapy
- Software Engineering
- Tourism Management
The HAGUE University of Applied Sciences
Bachelor degree:
- European Studies – 3 years
- European Studies – 4 years
- Industrial Design Engineering
- International and European Law
- International Business – 3 years
- International Business – 4 years
- International Communication Management
- International Financial Management and Control – 3 years
- International Financial Management and Control – 4 years
- International Public Management
- Process and Food Technology – 3 years
- Process and Food Technology – 4 years
- Safety and Security Management Studies
- Sport Studies, International Sport Management
- User Experience Design
Vrije Univerzita
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Literary Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics: Business and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics: Business and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics: International Business
- Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences: Communication Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences: Political Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Social Sciences: Sociology
Howest University of applied sciences
- Bachelor of Applied Computer Science – major Cyber Security Professional
- Bachelor of Creative Technologies & AI
- Bachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment: 3D Production and Visual Effects
- Bachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment: Game Development
- Bachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment: Game Graphics Production
- Bachelor of Digital Arts and Entertainment: Independent Game Production
- Bachelor of Digital Design and Development
- Bachelor of Industrial Product Design
UCLL University of Applied sciences
- Bachelor of International Business Management, Marketing – track in Belgium
- Bachelor of International Business Management, Marketing across Europe – track across Europe
KU Leuven
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
- Bachelor of Arts in Theology and Religious Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Business Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology: Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology: Electronics Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology: Elektromechanical Engineering
University of Antwerp
- Bachelor of Social-Economic Sciences
KdG University of Applied Sciences and Arts
- Bachelor of International Business Management: International Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of International Business Management: Global Supply Chain Management
- Bachelor of Applied Computer Science
- Bachelor of International Business Management: Global Business
- Bachelor of Multimedia and Creative Technologies
Each country offers unique possibilities and experiences, but it also has its own specifics. In each country there are other conditions for foreign students, study costs, and conditions for entry and residence. At this point we are preparing an encyclopedia of states that will answer all questions about studying abroad.